Friday 12 May 2017

Your Path In Life

There is a particular period of a man's life time when a man is scientifically referred to as A FOOL(FOOL AGE).
Hence The adage ; a fool at 40 is a fool forever: it means you are permitted to be a fool before your 40th year but at 40th year, drop it. But as man evolves, the fool age decreases, maturity is quickly attained.
  What is it about the FOOL age?
It is an age you are believed  to be less aware of who you really are and where you are heading to in life. It is an age when you cannot deal with reality of life in relation to your self...
It is quite unfortunate that even at level of evolution of human race, some very large number of people still live their FOOL age beyond 20,30,40,even 50...
Your life path number :
  This is the number that saves your from Your fool age syndrome!
This number reveals to you who you are and what you should pursue in life as purpose. It inclines you to doing the right things according to your God-made module. Your life path number tells you if you are :
A leader
An essence of duality
A creative child
A corner stone
A Freedom seeker
A family man
A seeker
An authority
A humanitarian
A dreamer
An achiever
A spiritual teacher...
Identifying where you belong in the course of life is keen to your life success..  You cannot continue to pursue the right thing on a wrong path and expect your life to be in right shape...You need to learn to listen to your intuition and follow the God given path of your life according to the configuration of your soul..
Get your life path number today
Subscribe to our EVOLVE PROGRAM today to know your life path....

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