Thursday 13 April 2017



The Life Path is the most important number in your numerology chart and is derived from your date of birth. 

It reveals your most fulfilling direction and the major lessons you are here to learn during this lifetime. This number gives a broad outline of the opportunities and challenges you will encounter and the personal traits that will assist you on this journey. 

The positive aspects of the Life Path number are the helpful skills and abilities you possess, and the negative aspects of the number are traits you must learn to balance.

Determining Your Life Path Number 

Your Life Path number is derived from the sum total of the digits that make up your birth date. Begin by converting the month, day, and birth year to *single digits and adding them together. The total sum is further reduced by adding the remaining digits together until a *single digit is obtained. 

[*The exception to this rule is with the 'Master Numbers' 11 and 22 - i.e. November the 11th month, birthdays on the 11th or 22nd, or sum totals of 11 or 22. These numbers are not converted to single digits.] 

                              Meaning of Life Path Numbers

Life Path Number 1:

  Strong and determined individuals carry this life path number. They are often leaders in business and have great personal ambition. They are motivated by personal success and competition. Highly independent by nature – the person with the 1 life path is often very innovative and creative in their thinking. Highly analytical and very sharp they are natural problem solvers. They are great at getting things started.

Life Path Number 2:

People with life path two love to find and maintain balance. They are natural peacemakers and tend to be drawn towards service to others. Often they are too self-sacrificing and struggle to find balance in life when it comes to valuing themselves as much as others. People with this life path number tend to be somewhat reserved and quiet. They have excellent listening skills and tend to be very drawn to music.

Life Path Number 3:

This is the life path number of creative people who are very expressive and unique. They are skilled communicators, naturally charming and attractive to others they know how to convey ideas. 3 people tend to be very optimistic and hopeful people who encourage that nourish that quality in others. They tend to be very energetic and busy – to the point they may wear themselves out.

Life Path Number 4:

This is the life path number of the pragmatic organizer. The one who builds, constructs, works hard and who is very diligent and persistent in his efforts. People with this life path are considered “practical” and down to earth. Many workaholic types have the 4 as a life path number. People with this life path tend to prefer to follow established rules and believe in order. They don’t tend to like surprises and are rather meticulous.

Life Path Number 5:

Those with a 5 life path are gregarious, fun-loving people who love to be surrounded by others. The five life path is a bit free-spirited and enjoys adventure, travel, and diversity. People with this life path often thrive in careers that involve travel or working abroad. They do not do well in office settings or any place that limits their freedom and creative expression. People with this life path sometimes have difficulty with discipline or finishing what they start.

Life Path Number 6:

Those with a life path of 6 are hard workers, tend to have a variety of skills and interests and are very “direct” in their approach. Sometimes prone to being too hard on themselves, they will push themselves to their limits. Six people are typically very organized and efficient and dislike waste – whether it be wasted time or resources. Those with this life path are sometimes seen as strict or sharp, but in actuality, they do have the best interests of others at heart and love to see people reach their potential. People with this life path make good personal trainers, drill instructors, etc. because they can push others to their personal limits in ways that are both compassionate and motivating.

Life Path Number 7:

Seven is the life path number of the Seeker. People with this life path number are drawn to the bigger mysteries in life and are always looking for a larger purpose behind their circumstances. 7 people are often psychic or extremely intuitive by nature with an innate ability to see to the heart and soul of others and situations. Seven people tend to love people, but are also very independent, requiring a great deal of solitary time to recharge their batteries. Seven people can be prone to being slow movers and procrastinators and need to work to keep their motivation levels up.

Life Path Number 8:

Eight is the life path of the natural or born leader. These are people who are often very good at business and attracting wealth and favors. Eight people are often visionaries and capable of great things because they can also do the hard work required to make their visions a reality. Eight people are very capable and inspiring leaders and people are compelled to follow their lead or be left behind. Eight’s do better when they don’t let their ambitions get the better of their compassionate side – doing so can lead to greed and accumulation of wealth for less noble reasons.

Life Path Number 9:

Life path 9 is the life path of the humanitarian. A natural born leader by nature, you are compelled to lead and to serve. Your high ideals give you a strong desire to improve the lives of others. You are innovative, visionary, and good at implementing new concepts and ideas. People with this life path sometimes struggle with disappointment when they can’t live up to their high ideals. There is a need to learn to accept themselves more because when they do they are capable of great things.

Life Path Number 11:

Those with this life path number are extremely intuitive and feel a strong connection with others, sometimes to the point that it overwhelms their emotions. 11 People are very visionary and tend to be great thinkers. Solutions to problems seem to come to them with very little effort and sometimes they don’t understand how gifted they are at seeing what is “hidden” or elusive to others.

Life Path Number 22:

The strongest of the life path numbers the 22 carries great potential, but also great weight and responsibility. This card represents those who can be master builders and visionaries, who can rally around a cause and bring people together for the common good. Those with this life path often face weighty decisions at several points in their life where they must embrace the crossroads with confidence and make a choice. Those who are not fully in tune with this higher vibration may find they struggle with choice in life and must work to take the path that challenges them over the path of least resistance. 22 life path people who push themselves and embrace change can life truly astounding creative lives.

Life Path 33:

This is a very rare life path and people with this life path are typically called to great service. They have a natural love of people and great creative/communicative strengths. People with this life path are highly altruistic and are able to make a great impact on the world through their great vision and compassion for humanity.

Born In The month Of December? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for leader

Is your birth month December?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


   Your life is filled with people who need your help and whose help you need as well as you move on in life.. But this life journey with them demand your active participation. As  matter of truth this people can be passive most times, you would tolerate them for long but can really be tiring if it persist too long. You are really going to help your friends create events of their life...

     Be careful, if you are willing to get married at the early stage of your life. Because you could be attracted to the dependent and passive which could be a wrong choice in the future.

    Your aim is always to build the fellow to reach your standard but it can be disappointing at times.. You can e a mentor at the early stage of you life. but be careful as you move on,  in the journey.

Born In The month Of November? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Is your birth month November?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


  On the road of your early life, you have a lot of people who would need your spiritual help and transformation. You are highly intuitive and connect to the soul. You need to develop yourself selfless service and artistic creativity in order to heal and transform the people around you. you would be dealing with confusing situation in life at the early time so you need a very sound and balanced mind.

     Your early life would be filled with peace and you would get supporters easily. Make use of opportunities and strike balance. Do not be wearied or lazy. Follow your intuition in time of confusion..

Born In The month Of October? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for leader

Is your birth month October?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


  In the road of your life at early stage, you would be with people who would always assume you don't need their help because they sense you are a good enough to handle your situation.So they can look like they don't care about you. it is not their fault it is because the impression they about you is that you are able to hold up your head. Therefore you need to carry a good sense of independence.

     You could be  lazy and of you are then,you would be highly challenged. So you must be able to take charge and responsibility of your own life. You are just like  CEOs or General Overseers of church, who are always seen as self sufficient, though they have a lot people around them but none would deem it fit to rescue them in time of difficult time.
      People will depend on you, so don't dull your early life by laying low waiting for help. On the path of your life a lot of wounded and battered individual would wait you to depend on you so wake up to responsibilities of your own life. Though it looks uneasy but you have what it takes to get it done.

Born In The month Of September? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for humanitarian

Is your birth month November?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


  Your life landscape shows you have a lot of people you need to serve in a leader manner.Therefore you can become a servant leader at the early stage of your life. A lot of people stand on your way at the early stage of your life who are helpless and hopeless, who therefore demand your service of rendering the help and hope.

    Have you noticed your baby do this? You go out and get a candies for your baby and find out within 1 minutes 10 candies remain just nothing and you ask Jane, where are your candies and he just keep smiling and all of a sudden you find other babies behind her holding each 1 candy... your baby must be a core semptember baby..ahahahahah.

     September born individual are high of energy of generosity. They render help and hope to the helpless and hopeless and they are great adviser because they will be matured than their at early stage of their life.So don't deny anyone of help if it is in your capacity to do it but apply sense as well.

Born In The month Of August? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for materialistic

Is your birth month August?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


    The materialist. You just love material things and financial securities. If you land into a rich family, you would enjoy fortune and material things at the early stage of your life but if not you would pressurized your caretaker to get all these and you can do anything to get materials as you are highly competitive and sensitive to status.

      You judge your sense of highness by the materials you posses. Your life landscape is full of people you need to be better than. So you can find yourself seeking power, authority and wealth or materials at this stage of your life.

  If you have an elder sibling, you want to have more dresses than he or she does, you want to have more money than he or she does, you want to be respected than he or she is. you mind is highly filled with competitive modules.This can be a hidden behaviour. You don't want to loose power or control. meanwhile there is a spiritual side of you which place your life on demand for balance.

      Your life demands a lot of balance else at the later days of life you can miss the good effects of your other side. therefore you need to balance your spiritual and material side of life. Give attention to the both side of your life.

Born In The month Of July? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for intuitive

Is your birth month July?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


  Your life landscape is filled with a lot of mystery and wisdom. You are highly intuitive and connected to the soul level of life.Because you will be living in the midst of mysteries you are going to be pressured to seek for knowledge of all the mysteries in your life and getting this wisdom can make you so confidence to take some certain steps knowingly in the early stage if your life believing you can handle as you are fearless. such is your life landscape.

    It is a landscape full of experiences you would meet at the early stage of your life. You an be very critical of people,you can also emotionally withdraw due to how much you know and how life has been hard on you. Learn to trust your intuition at this early stage.

       Be careful of being on the negative plane of your life at all times as that can make you pretentious, cruel,unreliable... therefore remain positive.
    Your success at the early stage of life is centered on you build trust, faith and following your intuition in life and make good use of your knowledge.

Born In The month Of June? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for caretaker

Is your birth month June?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


 You are a natural caretaker.Your early life is filled with people you should show love  and nurturing experience to. You are going to be a family oriented man at the early stage of your life. You would be attracted to things that brings out your sense of beauty, harmony and balance.

      Your family would cross your path at this early stage of your life as they can determine major decisions you would make at the early stage of your life, therefore you don't make your limiting rope. You will be attracted to people who are in need of emotional uplifting,people who are deprived of love and you are ready and loaded to embellish them with care and love.

   Your early life success is centered on taking care and nurturing the people around you..

Born In The month Of May? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for adventure

Is your birth month May?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


   The early stage of your life is loaded with a high sense of adventure and freedom loving spirit. If you six month old or 1 year old baby drags his/her feeding bottle with you or likes climbing the television set and the burglary then be sure he/she is a sure baby of April sense.. FUNNY!..

      May babies need to be very careful as they would be most times enticed by hard things and would also hate routine and direction. You can bear pain at high sense but be careful being self destructive just to get your freedom.

       Your early life demands that you use your initiative a lot on events that erupt in your life path. You need to engage yourself on duties that expand your coast as you are going to be at your best doing this. You are likely going to be seen as over smart therefore become a threat to you leaders but try to engage diplomacy in dealing with people leaders and weaklings, though you don't like the idea of boss.

      You like to display your full skills but without freedom you can be hindered so try to derive your freedom in the early stage of your life. Your success or doom is embedded on your freedom and adventurous lifestyle. Ensure you use these on developing your natural skills in building your career at the early stage.

Born In The month Of April? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for Hard working man

Is your birth month April?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


 At the early stage of your life, you experience being a foundation and cornerstone. A lot things depend of you. Therefore you are likely going to struggle at this stage. You would be strong and rugged due to the demand that would be placed on you to take responsibilities.

   You need to be well organised in your handling of things especially if you have an expression number of 3. you are likely going to be rich at your early age but it would be through hard working. You can be so workaholic for this reason. You would be work oriented, practical, ground to earth.

    There would be a pressure on you to build a product from your own self or outside your self before your next phase especially when the next face demands that you have wealth. So you have entrepreneur mindset at this early stage, therefore, develop a product and yourself as you move on and note that your struggle and troubles are just normal they would end soon if you don't relent, they are just here to make you stronger.

   You are going to be the key strength of your family so be careful you don't indulge yourself in the things that can take away your life. Your early life success is embedded in hard work..

Born In The month Of March? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for fun man

Is your birth month March?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


  You are the creative..You are going to be lucky at the early stage of your life,take note of that.Your life landscape is too filled with energy and activities therefore you are likely going to be tempted to scatter your energy along the line but be careful because this can lead you to a more confused state in the course of and at the end of your early life as you are likely going to loose interest at the beginning of your next phase and this can lead to a more confused and unfulfilled feeling in life.

      I will advise to check your life path number influence and pick you real talent and spend your time on building career in the line. You would be attracted to those who would be weaker than you and depend on you for emotional healing, transformation and uplifting.

      You are full of life and busy energy so be careful you don't work yourself out during this stage of your life because you have more times ahead. The early stage of your life is going to be a very fun-ful days and you will really enjoy it. Life will be sweet at some points but be careful you don't forget there is a future ahead.
     Drop your ego and learn to channel your energy rightly, let your own thing attract you and be less emotional in taking decision. You could be seen as proud,YES! you are but you are really sweet to be with at this stage. Your early life success  or doom  is in how you handle yourself and relate with others...

Born In The month Of February ? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for partner

Is your birth month February?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


  I will call you a Natural Partner. Life demands that you are not going to walk the landscape alone. therefore you need to develop a great sense of diplomacy in handling relationship because you are likely to have issues with handling relationships or partnership.

You are likely going to be a victim in most relationship if you lack the diplomacy needed for successful relationship.. however relationship and partnership are very keen to your early life success..Life would charge you with responsibilities to bring about peace,cooperation and friendship. this is a responsibility you should not joke with.

The early stage of your life is not to be walked alone. The friends are likely going to be needed in the next phase of your life so learn to keep them. You have the natural abilities to do this but if not well developed you are likely going to loose the energy.

      Trust me, you wont escape relationship or partnership everywhere you are but tendencies are you could loose them easily as you may have too much demand for the glue. Your success or doom of early life is centered on partnership depending on how its being handled...

Born In The month Of January? Your Early Life Can Look Like This!

Image result for independent man

Is your birth month January?

It is therefore important for you to know how your early life would be or why it has been how it used to be in case you have lived beyond your early life..

Your life time can be categorized into 3 Periods, which are Early, Mid and Final Periods whereby Early period covers the first 35 years of your life after birth. The Mid period covers another 25 to 30 years after your early life while the Final period covers the rest of your life after age 60 to 65 years of your life...

if you are at your early period of life, you are likely going to have experiences such as written below. kindly go through the information below and if there exists any form of question in your mind you can drop at the comment box and you shall be answered promptly...

  Note: Also we are at your service to help you prepare a numerology chart which would comprise the numbers that influence your life on planet earth and you are going to use this chart to guide your life and experiences in life and reach your goals and ambitions...


    Your Journey in life is a journey of the leader at the early stage of your life..Everyone may treat you like a leader thinking you are able to handle yourself all through life and therefore you would need to really carry a high sense of independence.

      You would be pressured in life to lead, be independent and bring about new things in your own life.. Therefore you are likely going to find life kind of hard at the early stage of your life. Don't forget the hardship would be different for individual due to our differences in landing point,i.e the family that handles your early ages.

      It is therefore important that, you carry a high sense of leadership and independence because you are likely going to feel the loneliness felt by companies CEOs and GOs of churches such that, they are assumed to know it all and therefore,they need no help from any one below...Even at some cases when you asked for help you may not be given so easily. So your life is in your life.If you are born this month and you are reading this, i beseech you to take charge of your life if you are still at the early stage of your life.

        Live like a leader,be independent but be open to those who care to help you of course you need people's help just that you might not get it that easily. Create the best with your life as you would be filled with great ideas at every point of your life...

     Your success or doom at early life is centered on your ability to cope well with independence,leader-skills and creativity..I know you will win as you keep going..

Sam Adey
Life Coach

Wednesday 12 April 2017


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Your Expression number is one of your core numbers -- the most important numbers in your Numerology chart. Based on the letters of your full name at birth, your Expression number reveals the talents, abilities and shortcomings you hold in this lifetime.
Why your name? Your name represents the inheritance of your personal history up to the moment of your birth. Whatever that history is, it has shaped you into what you are. Prior to meeting their child, parents use intuition as their guiding force, picking up on the child's personal vibrations and choosing a name accordingly. The name you were given at birth is the name you were meant to have.

    To figure out your Expression number, write out the full name you were given at birth -- first, middle and last. Then, use our guide to the right and place the numerical value below each of the letters. Next, add the numbers of your first name and reduce them it to a single digit. Do the same for your middle and last names. Finally, add the three single-digit numbers together, then reduce them to another single-digit number to reveal your Expression number. If you encounter a Master number -- 11, 22 or 33 -- in any of your reductions, do not reduce it any further.

  After getting to the final result, choose from one of the numbers below that links to your expression number:

Single/Fadic Numbers  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     

Master Numbers          11  22  33