Wednesday 12 April 2017


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Your Expression number is one of your core numbers -- the most important numbers in your Numerology chart. Based on the letters of your full name at birth, your Expression number reveals the talents, abilities and shortcomings you hold in this lifetime.
Why your name? Your name represents the inheritance of your personal history up to the moment of your birth. Whatever that history is, it has shaped you into what you are. Prior to meeting their child, parents use intuition as their guiding force, picking up on the child's personal vibrations and choosing a name accordingly. The name you were given at birth is the name you were meant to have.

    To figure out your Expression number, write out the full name you were given at birth -- first, middle and last. Then, use our guide to the right and place the numerical value below each of the letters. Next, add the numbers of your first name and reduce them it to a single digit. Do the same for your middle and last names. Finally, add the three single-digit numbers together, then reduce them to another single-digit number to reveal your Expression number. If you encounter a Master number -- 11, 22 or 33 -- in any of your reductions, do not reduce it any further.

  After getting to the final result, choose from one of the numbers below that links to your expression number:

Single/Fadic Numbers  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     

Master Numbers          11  22  33

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